In an effort to "get away" for a little vacation, we went camping for a couple nights. Back home, when people go on vacation, they load up the car, drive six, maybe eight or so hours, and end up at a condo on the beach. All you deal with is sand and who gets the first shower. Not our case this year.
Scott and I have done camping before. I don't mind "dirty"- and if you really know me, you know how I feel about washing my hair everyday...not required. We've both even backpacked, where you stay out on a trail for several nights with only the stuff on your back. But, since Will and Em came along, we never bothered to go camping; plus, we didn't know too many people who wanted to go camping when we could get a condo at the beach...
I tested my limits this week and discovered a few things:
1- "Talking when I'm talking" is not my biggest pet peeve. Dirt sandwiched under little fingernails are. And, when there are NO campfires allowed, no rain in forever, and your boogers turn black from the dirt and dust in the air, clean-non-sooty hands are impossible.
2- I am more like Kate from "John and Kate plus Eight" than I'd like to admit. I mean, when I'm yelling "Scott" from the river just so he can bring me a nail-brush or Will's clean socks (it was a lot like that episode when she yells at him at the Crayola Factory)... No matter how many times I'd tell myself that "it's just for a couple days... we're camping... kids are supposed to be dirty..." it didn't work.
3- The scenery from East to West is different- right down to the dirt on the ground. But, kids like to dig in it just as much. No matter how you threaten them, when you turn around, there they are- swirling it, throwing it, wipping it all over themselves.
4- The view is worth the journey. Dealing with the hard ground (we left our pump for the air mattress at home and my hip digs into the ground...), dirty hands and faces and clothes, and freezing 40 degrees at night... those were a few things that kept me thinking "Why would we do this?" But these pictures explain why we go camping agian.
Cheerful Scoop Moves
13 years ago