Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Biding Our Time

Summer is still in full force. Will doesn't return until August 26...
Last week the kids and I were fortunate enough to spend some full-time quality time together. Scott accompanied our BCR youth group on a mission trip to LA. That meant we rallied at home- there were three other mom's whose husbands were on the trip- and sought out events to keep us distracted!

We started our week off pretty mild. We visited at each other's homes, made "play dough cookies," and baked homemade pizza. By Tuesday, we stepped it up a notch when we ran around Fairytale Town, and later we got our money's worth with IKEA's free babysit-while-you-shop and 99 cent kid meals! 9 hours, 8 tired kids, 3 large area rugs, and 1 heck-of-a-deal storage shelf later, we were home... that was a day to remember!

Later that week, mom got to come out!! It's so fun to show people around, so when we say do come visit- we mean it! We drove into The City (aka San Fran) to pick her up. I was dying to get to the beach, so we drove south into Santa Cruz for the afternoon. I can say my kids are well traveled- they've seen the Atlantic AND the Pacific (not to mention the Gulf of Mexico a time or two as well!). The ocean was so cold- but that didn't stop Will from chasing the waves. Em makes quite a good sunbather, I must say! (These pics are from Santa Cruz.)
Now, I didn't realize how much I missed home until I got a few days with my Mama! We were sad Papa couldn't come, but we took pictures for him. We went to the farmer's market, the kids' last swim lesson, and the outlets. Scott got home Saturday from the mission trip, so Mom also got to see him "work" at church on Sunday and she met so many of our friends. Then, we took off for Tahoe on Monday....

Tahoe is under two hours from our house. I really knew very little about it, except it was a big, cold lake where people go to snow ski in the winter. We had to see it for ourselves, and I am so glad we did. I can honestly say that was the most beautiful scenery packed into one day's drive that I've seen in a long time. God has an incredible imagination- the way the mountains run together, the peaks and falls; I've never felt so small! And then, when you finally break around that one bend on the mountian and can see through the evergreens, peaking beyond- WOW! The water's Caribbean-clearness, despite how cold it is, makes you want to stay!
I hated packing up, but we're planning on going camping next week with some friends, so knowing we were coming back made it easier to drive on that day.

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