Monday, September 22, 2008

Facebook Me

I finally gave in this morning, in a weak moment, and became, what seems to be, the last under-80-American to join Facebook. One of my first "friends" was our pastor's MOTHER...
Mostly on-line I email, shop, blog, shop...
I've put off becoming a part of this for years. First, it was because I was teaching and didn't want to become "one of those teachers" caught up on-line in some controversy with their students. Second, I knew I'd be addicted and didn't want to commit all that time to figuring it out (when I don't have time to keep the laundry caught up... I mean, I have two kids and have refused to scrapbook too because I know I haven't had the time to do it and do it well. Their "scrapbooks" are actually "scrapboxes".) And, thirdly, everyone else was doing it, and I wasn't sure I wanted all these people from my past to find me... I mean, if you really need to contact me, you'd have my email or cell number already.
But, Scott's day off is Monday, so this morning, in casual conversation, he asked me what my myspace page was (years ago he made one for me just because I had said I didn't want one) and I couldn't remember if it was myspace or facebook, so to end the debate I we went to "look it up," and I ended up creating a facebook account, thus wasting hours of my day in the end.
Because, of course, the stupid thing starts connecting you to people before you've even had the chance to decorate your page, it sucks you in. It's like having a party and letting your guests in before you've finished putting up the streamers. And, come to find out, people LIVE on this site! So, while I'm running around the site trying to figure it out, people keep "popping in" and joining my undecorated, page.
Then, I had to have a profile picture (and how do you choose just one picture to exemplify who you are to those people you haven't seen in if I wasn't stressed already). Next, because everyone else does it, I had to create some kind of picture album. Uploading pictures and creating captions isn't easy work for someone who has recently spent her days making play-doh people and pumping up bike tires. And, well, the kicker for me-the most time wasted- was on my flair. If you don't have flair, in my opinion, you shouldn't "facebook" because THAT is the funnest thing about it.
Now, the excitement comes in with my phone... because in attempt to keep in touch when we moved West Coast (and because I thought it was cool) I got a Blackberry that "bings" whenever I get an email. And, if you facebook, you know that whenever someone invites you to be a friend or accepts to be your friend, you get emailed. Can I remind you I was the last person to join facebook, so people were "binging" me left and right- evidently I was a hot commonditiy today. Finally, Scott had to turn that feature off so my phone would stop "binging".

I'll give facebook one thing: I didn't feel this popular in high school! I'm now addicted. If you don't see me out in the future, look on-line. I'm either looking or cheap airline tickets or facebooking. And, I hate to admit it, I'm on a quest to have the most friends in the world.

If you haven't already, check out my flair!

1 comment:

Carrie said...

Okay - that was awesome. I love it when you write because you write so well