1. That I have a blog? I'd almost forgot... three or so months can sure slip by.
2. I know where those 3 months have gone: traveling home to GA, starting a new teaching career, working with an organization to evaluate schools, working on an additional credential through Stanford, getting the kids settled into 1st grade and pre-k, helping run a church... did I mention that I was starting a new job at a BRAND NEW school?
There are lots of funny things that happen every week that I should be sharing. Like, Emmie Ann now can't remember "Santa Clause" as his name, but she just keeps talking about "that Christmas Man" when she comes up with something she wants to add to her Christmas list. Or, just the fact that Will asked to take breakdancing lessons...
I also tend to think on deep levels, at times, and should share this stuff, too.
Right now, I think I should share that for our ambitious Trunk-or-Treat, my Life Group has adopted the Enchanted Forrest theme... and we're going ALL OUT. Each life group has taken a theme and is decorating their cars, dressing up, and doing that whole thing. But, (shhh) we've taken two trailors (the kind that race cars are transported in) and have renovated the inside to make a walk-through experiences, complete with twinkle light stars, foliage, and fairy tale characters. Watch out, we're out to win this one. I mean, Scott's wearing leggings... this is good stuff. [Pictures to come.]
Seriously, our church is awesome. For such a "small" church, we sure to bring-it. We do great things! I know God's always at work, but when we can be apart of that- WoW!
Last week a certain thought, mentioned during Sunday's service, REALLY hit me: "In America, we tend to
DO church well- really well. But, do we
BE the church equally as well?"
Doesn't that make you wonder- when do we jump out of our comfort zone and actually BE what God wants? Instead of pouring into ourselves, when do we pour into others?
So, I'm on this adventure just waiting to see where God takes me!