Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Would it be wierd if...

... I set aside some of the cooked ground turkey, that I was making for spaghetti, so that I could just eat a little bowl by myself with a little salt and pepper? Maybe it's not weird, but I always feel funny when I do that. (but I know Mandy's done it before, so that makes me feel better...)

... my kids entertained themselves for an hour this afternoon by collecting rocks from a pile of rocks, putting them in a bucket, and then relocating the rocks to another part of the yard? Would it be weirder if I stood inside and watched through the sliding glass door as they did this? (but I'm okay with it.. I mean, at least they were not watching anymore tv and were working together...)

... one of our "activities" today included mopping (not watercoloring, the sandbox, or bike riding- typical "stay-at-home" mom things). Literally, Will, Em and I took turns mopping the floor. (You should know the stupid floor is white tile. It HAS to be cleaned at least 3 times a day. Period.)

... my son ASKED me to go to work so that he could go to daycare and have lots of other kids to play with?

... my daughter thinks, no, believes that she is living in a Disney musical? She sings requests for chocolate milk and even argues with her brother in full song. She dances quite well for a kids who's never entered a studio, too, I might add.

... I spent half the day thinking about how I wanted to rearrange the garage? Really, wouldn't it make more sense to park the bikes along the left side and use the center to park a car?

... all I could think about, when I'm not thinking about the garage, is what kind of new Flair I can put on my Facebook page? (That is the craziest fun I've had lately!)

... I had to wash both one set of sheets and the cushion covers from the couch and clean the mattress and cusions because of pee - all from one day? (Thank the Lord for pretreated, Scotchgarded cushions! Liquid basically rolls off!!)

... if I sat down to think about all the wierd things that happened to me lately and then blog about it?


Kate said...

oh ali!! you're cracking me up! Love and miss you....

Unknown said...

ok, so this is my favorite past time activity, reading your blog. Maybe once I retire, maybe I'll get a facebook? Oh, there maybe an age limit huh?I might actually be too old. Love and miss you all! Sara

Jessica said...

Alison, Jillian and Emily must be twins...Jillian also believes that she is a disney princess. We have to play princesses everyday! In our games I am usually the evil queen, Jillian is of course the princess, and if Jackson stays still long enough he is the "handsome and romantical" prince! Hope you guys are loving it out there! Love ya!